• Why Join?

    Celect offers state-of-the-art online organizational management tools and networking services for thousands of organizations of all types and sizes. Find out how we can help you!

    Join Celect.org on Facebook and Twitter.
  • Celect has developed a comprehensive suite of online organizational management tools and networking services. We are a platform for a variety of groups, such as collegiate student organizations, faith organizations, and professional associations. Celect is unique because our system allows your organization to create unlimited multi-level networks, accommodating both horizontal and vertical communication.  These online “member roles” reflect the duties members have in the actual organization, therefore members manage and view organizational information accordingly.  Celect helps your organization to communicate more efficiently, get organized, manage online payment transactions and create rapport with the public.


    To learn how Celect can help your organization create a web presence and manage your day-to-day member activity, call 1-888-88CELECT or email us here.